Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Family Fun Weekend in Charlevoix

For Christmas the Spinniken siblings go in together to rent a house for a long weekend.  We started this a few years as gift to our parents and really enjoyed it, so we decided to continue the tradition.  This year we were at a big house on Charlevoix Lake with a hot tub, a game room, and lots of space.  We enjoyed playing with babies and ate too much food.  Our family is growing so fast, but we have managed to stay close.  This is a true blessing and we are very grateful!

Intensely enjoying his chain toys lol 

Going for a ski

Chuck biffing it 

                                                                       "Water skiing"


Not going so well lol

Hanging with Papa

Hanging with Cousin Adele with our zebra clothes on

Rachel making us yummy breakfast

The nice fire place

Resale shopping

Irene hanging in the big girl chair

Daddy and Malachi napping

Bubble blowing contest

Hanging out

Enjoying lava flows

Thursday, March 7, 2013

2.5 months and lots of excitement!

Life is starting to feel a bit more "normal" now.  Well, the new normal of being a mother.  I am finally able to stay some what on top of house work and have a bit of a routine.  The reason being that Malachi is becoming a better sleeper.  He still struggles, but it is much, much better then before!  And to that, I am grateful!  Thank you for the prayers!
 I am really enjoying this phase now that he has become a lot more responsive.  My friend told me that eye contact from babies is a sign of attachment.   I am so thankful to know this and now I relish the moments when he is gazing up at me.  Its even better when he babbles stories to me and let's not forget those wonderful smiles! <3!!!
We took another trip to GR because Aaron had more training for his job and auntie Lou got engaged so we decided to make a trip out of it and dress shop!  Malachi was the only boy welcome to join us. He felt pretty lucky to be with all the ladies.  Hehe!  We also got to see family and friend while we visited.  It was a good time.

Handsome boy.


Hanging with his buddy Cali from small group :)

6 weeks apart 

Auntie Lou and Uncle Aaron (chuck) got engaged!  Congrats!

Bath time!

Enjoying a cross country ski

Second trip to GR with cousin Irene

I was an angel the whole way!

Irene was our entertainment the whole way :)

Cousin time

Heading out to dress shop with the girls!

Oh no!  Adele you can never get married!  You can't grow up too fast! :)
Oh good!  You don't like the veil! 

                                                             With aunties and cousins

The audience

Grabbing lunch

In my "old man" Pjs :)

Hanging with Auntie Farica, cousin Vanessa and great grandma Deal


Meeting Aunie Hannah for the first time